My Bloody Valentine
Ahhhh, Valentine’s Day – nougat chocolates, wilting flowers, sitting in uncomfortable clothes at
overpriced restaurants with mediocre food, oh, and of course good ole Single Shame.
Well, fuck that!
Celebrate a better holiday — Friday the 13 th ! Pinky Swear serves up sexy stories, sassy songs,
and a good time. Perfect for singletons, couples, triads, and groups (who are we to judge?),
these tales of looking for love in all the wrong places will rock your socks off and maybe even
mend that cold, cold lump you call a heart.
Directed by Allyson Harkey
Writers of plays & personal stories: Eden Butler, Richard Byrne, Renee Calarco, Audrey Cefaly, Joqn Cummins, Ally Currin, Melissa Hmelnicky, Pierce McManus, Natalie Piegari, Amy Schweitzer, Stephen Spotswood, Brittany Alyse Willis, Reddit
Seth Alcorn
John Bavoso
Joan Cummins
Nick DePinto
Kari Ginsburg
Liz Gossens
Allyson Harkey
Karina Hilleard
Christopher Herring
Karen Lange
Steve Lichtenstein
Pierce McManus
Felix Pages
Natalie Piegari
Donna Reinhold
Stephen Spotswood
Halah Zenhom